Explore History

For a brief period in the 1990s superbikes peaked in popularity and became a global phenomenon in racing. From their early days as production-based racers, to the peak of homologation specials, and the eventual decline as costs sky-rocketed, this site aims to document the rise and fall of an iconic motorcycle racing formula over its formative decade. Even beyond the hype and personality of the World Championship existed a rich variety of regional and national championships in dozens of countries around the world. Browse the database of results and statistics and uncover the history of superbikes.

The database contains:








This data has been compiled with generous assistance from:

Dean Adams / Xavi Arenas / Phil Aynsley † / Damion Bailey / Santiago Barragán Cruz / Roger Bennett / Juha Berner / Alain Blanquet / Iain Bonsall / Mario Böttger / Tim Bourne / Alain Bousseau / Scott Breedin / Jaroslav Brzobohatý / Alex Buckingham / Michal Bursa / Luis Ramón Cando / Giorgio Cantalupo / Stefano Caracchi / Alfred Colet / Don Cox / John da Graca / Richard Defago / Valerio Destefanis / Fabio di Pietro / Mark Ditchfield / Peter Doppenberg / Monique Dransart / Graham Etheridge / Florian Ferracci / Petr Foltán / Jirko Franek / Thomas Franz / Serge Frocheur / Barry Frost / Tomas Funtomoto / Vincent Glon † / Karl-Heinz Grünauer / Toni Gruschka / Jean-Philippe Guinand / Bengt-Åce Gustavsson / Silvester Habat / Tracy Hagen † / Laurence Hammond / Juha Harju / Katsunori Hasegawa / Adi Haslam / Richard Heinrichmeyer / Harry Heutmekers / Rob Hicklin / Zvonimir Horvat / Omar Isaak / Bengt Johannesson / Mike Jordan / "Kaciaro" / Raymond Kennedy / Lothar Kraus / Peter Krummenacher / Scott Laing / Larry Lawrence / Graham Legg / Emmanuel Lentaigne / Véronique Lentaigne / Karl Lindinger / Maurizio Mazzoni / Sean McKay / Paul McQuilkin / Michele Merlino / Masatoshi Mishina / Rudolf Mladý / Dan Moakes / Steve Moody / Tony Morgan / Manfred Mothes / Philippe Mouchet / Koichi Nagoya / "Nedo B" / Aaron Noonan / Monique O'Hara / Yoshihiro Ohmi / Helmut Ohner / "panteranera" / Sebastian Palacios / Lars Pedersen / Marc Pétrier / Bill Petro / Gary Pinchin / Fabrizio Porrozzi / Federico Porrozzi / Jonathan Power / Amador Pradas / Cliff Price / Franz Rau † / Toni Rechberger / Vladimír Rejda / Milan Rejman / Milos Rejman / Dave Riley / John Roach / Stephen Rowe † / William Rubio / Oscar Rumi / Sina Rüsi / Julian Ryder / Brett Sampson / Bernhard Schick / Anne Schmidt / Rob Semmeling / René Skaret / Sakis Skourtas / Trevor Swettenham / Shogo Takemi / Guy Thonus / Herbert Thumpser / Colin Todd / Pentti Tolonen / Jean-Pol Tourte / Hirotake Uchida / Raul Ugena / Peter Ungemach / Danie van Jaarsveld / Johan Vandekerckhove / Tjeerd van der Zee / Marnix Vanslembrouck / Enrique Villellas / Jan Vitovec / Graham Ward / Philip Weston / Gary Wilson / Mats Winberg / Steve Wistow / Günther Zaritsch / Christian Zipfel / Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal / British Automobile Racing Club / Gentlemen's Motor Club Roma / Knjižnice Grada Zagreba / Kungliga Biblioteket / National Diet Library, Japan / National Library of Australia / Norges Motorsportforbund / Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek

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