1995 Championnat de Suisse Superbike

DateRd.CircuitEvent NameResults
1995-04-161Flag of France LédenonChampionnat de Suisse
1995-05-282Flag of France Magny-CoursFMS no. 5 Magny-CoursGO!
1995-06-113Flag of Switzerland Boécourt-La CaquerelleChampionnat de Suisse
1995-07-024Flag of France Le VigeantCS Val de VienneGO!
1995-07-235Flag of Switzerland Châtel-St.-Denis-Les PaccotsCancelled due to fatal accident during 125cc Elite qualifying.
1995-08-016Flag of France Paul Ricard (Short)Championnat de Suisse
1995-09-247Flag of Belgium Spa-FrancorchampsMoto Pulsion RAC TrophyGO!

Can You Help?

The following official data is currently missing:

1995-04-16 Lédenon: All sessions, Entry list

1995-06-11 Boécourt-La Caquerelle: Qualifying 1, Run 1, Run 2, Qualifying 2, Entry list

1995-08-01 Paul Ricard (Short): All sessions, Entry list

Copies of any of this information would be greatly appreciated. If you have any additional information about this season's races or riders, please contact me!